102.7 temp 9 year old

102.7 temp 9 year old
102.7 KORD Radio - Continuous Country.
My 2 year old has a fever of 101.8, do I. 2 year old Shivering with a temp. Is this.
05.01.2009 · Yep you sure do. Have you given him/her any Tylenol? Or a bath? Both can help with fevers. But definitely contact the pediatrician. Not unless it doesn
102.7 KORD Radio plays the best country music in Kennewick, Pasco, and Richland, WA.
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102.7 temp 9 year old
Temporary Attorney: The Sweatshop EditionMy 2 year old has a fever of 101.8, do I.
23.11.2008 · My 2 year old son has a history of febrile convulsions so we watch him closely when he is ill. He has had a cough and temp of 37.9 and is on antibiotics
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